Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cupcake Success!!!

Guess what?!?! We raised $230 from our cupcake sales yesterday! :) We are well on our way to getting those teddy bears. Thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday. We had a steady flow of people from 2:15 - 6:00. We loved all the company! The kids had a blast playing in the backyard (when they weren't busy stuffing cupcakes in their mouths or trying to flag down passing cars). I have some great pics to share. As soon as I recoup from my 22 mile training run yesterday :0, I'll get them posted. For today, I think a nap is totally up my alley!!! I'll be dreaming about cupcakes and teddy bears...

1 comment:

  1. Great news:) I am sooo happy to be able to donate for this!!!

    Adopting 2 kiddos from Ethiopia
    Referral coming SOON
